Thursday, February 28, 2013


One video is shot and in the post pipeline,  boom! straight into the next one. We are working on a new project for Trei ft. Thomas Oliver. Alan Morrison has taken the roll of direction and Sakowski will be behind the camera. We are shooting tomorrow! this one came round quick, all I can say is, Samurai, Ravens, Blades, Smoke, Fire, Emotion, Slomo....... stayed tuned for photos. 


Over the past month we have been making some graphics for Solstates new Album. Troy came to us with very few graphical directions. We decided the main theme was the separation between light and dark. After Aleks concepted the initial idea, Samantha Haehae came in to do some texture work for us, Then end results showing above. The Album is released 11th march.

Black Raven Shoot

So 2 weeks ago we completed the "Black Raven" shoot. And have been recovering ever since. Now on to the post-production to polish this baby up.  I have no words to descirbe the shoot. It was something else. The photos can speak for it.

Friday, February 8, 2013

6 Days

2 months of preparation for a 2 day operation. Like a battle plan, you only have so much to work with over the 2 days. You prepare for as many scenarios as possible and execute everything to the best of your ability with the resources at hand. That is why pre-production is more important that the shoot. The better prepared you are, the smoother your shoot will go. However you never know what can happen on the day, you can only prepare for it. High concept hand made in camera productions that tell a story dont happen often, especially at our scale of production. I could not have done this without the help of some amazing individuals whose dedication and hard work has  kept me going.